Hello everyone,
Despite the less than summery weather, the season is only around 5 weeks away from starting! There is still a heck of a lot of work to be done and projects that we would like to undertake and these will come in time of course.
Over the winter we did manage to secure funding which allowed the roof to be replaced, an outfield cutter purchased, some new sight screens ordered and a large bag of communal junior kit ordered. We have also been able to make a vast improvement to the front of our pavilion, with the old worn out steps replaced with a two tier terrace to once again make strides to continued improvements to the experience for all who visit Blackfyne.
We would like to say a huge thanks to all of our new and returning sponsors for the season, your support is not only vital to the fabric of the club, but hugely appreciated by our members and visitors alike. Any sponsors who have yet to renew, or anyone who feels like they could provide either sponsorship through an advertising board, social media promotion or match day sponsorships and/or hospitality, then please see our brochure here - https://images.secure-club.com/clubs/655/docs/Copy%20of%20Boho%20Rainbow%20A4%20Stationary%20Paper%20Border_250213_210804.pdf
The 100 club continues to be well supported, there are however a few numbers currently available for the weekly £75 draw. A number is only £5 per month and if we hopefully fill up the first 100, we can look to expand the numbers further and increase the weekly prize pot. A massive thanks to those who continue to support this and have done for a considerable length of time. Anyone who is interested in signing up, please see the following page - https://consettcc.hitscricket.com/pages/page_36771/100-Club.aspx
The club will once again hold the David Graham Memorial Walk which takes place on Sunday 6th April where club members will be sponsored to walk from Lanchester station back to the club. There is also a just giving page for this with more information here - https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/davidgrahammemorialwalk2025 Don't forget to tick gift aid if you are eligible as this furthers funds made available to the club.
You can also help to support us by simply continuing to do your online shopping. Simply visit - https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/consettcricketclub and sign up, enable the donation reminder and we receive donations almost every time you shop as they have over 8,000 brands and stores signed up.
All of the fixtures for the season have been released. These are now published on our websites. One of the best ways that you can support us is by coming down on match and training days, taking in the scenery and sunshine and enjoying a few refreshments.
Please keep an eye on your emails and all of our socials for news of upcoming social events, matches, and training days and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
Don't forget that the link at the bottom of this email takes you to links to all of our socials, online shop and more!