Consett & District Cricket Club – Constitution
The Club shall be called the ”Consett and District Cricket Club” and is also widely also known as “Consett Cricket Club”.
2. Objectives of the Club
The objectives of the Club are the promotion of cricket and other sports and the provision of opportunities for recreation and social activities for both adults and children. The Club will work in line with the Club Development Plan which will include this stated objective as a minimum requirement at all times.
3. Membership
The Club will consist of an unlimited number of members. Any person shall be deemed to be a member of the Club upon payment of the appropriate subscription.
The Club provides equal opportunities and will remain in line with the England and Wales Cricket Board’s (“ECB”) Anti-Discrimination Code which is included as an Appendix and may vary from time to time. The Club has adopted a policy of equality of opportunity, which means that it will not discriminate against anyone by reason of those listed below except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of cricket:-
• Sex
• Age
• Disability
• Ethnicity
• Nationality
• Sexual Orientation
• Religion or other beliefs
Any new playing member must be registered on the “PlayCricket” network and then registered with the league which they will participate in upon selection. Playing members must play for the team for which they have been selected by the Selection Committee.
Individuals may also become non-playing members of the Club.
It is a condition of membership that members observe the Code of Conduct and always conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings, in premises used by the Club, and whilst representing the Club in any playing or other capacity. A member may be suspended from the club for failure to observe this, or for any other conduct not in line with the aims of the Club. Any member suspended has the right to appeal within 28 days to the Management Committee, before expulsion from the Club takes place.
The Club may invite selected people to become Vice-Presidents.
The Management Committee will maintain a list of Club members which should include those who have paid their Subscriptions.
Any member wishing to resign must do so in writing to the Secretary, and, if all due subscriptions have been paid, they shall then cease to be a member of the Club.
The Club also welcomes visitors who must observe Club’s Code of Conduct. Failure to do so, may result in the Visitor being asked to leave the premises.
4. Management
The affairs of the club will be managed by a Management Committee consisting of (one individual may undertake more than one role):-
• President
• Chairman
• Secretary
• Fixtures Secretary
• Treasurer
• Bar Treasurer
• Each Senior Team’s Captain
• Each Senior Team’s Vice Captain
• Club Safeguarding Officer
• Junior Development Officer
• At least 4 club members [if possible the diversity of the committee should always be considered]
The above committee, any four of whom shall form a quorum, will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and will have powers to co-opt as necessary. At least three of the Management Committee must be unrelated to each other and not co-habiting.
Should a conflict of interest arise then any member with a personal interest in a decision shall not take part in the voting relating to that decision.
5. Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)
The AGM will usually be held in November each year and not more than fifteen months later than the previous AGM, for the following purposes:-
5a To elect the Management Committee, an Honorary Auditor
5b To make any changes to the Management Committee as per rule 4.
5c To elect a Selection Committee. This committee shall consist of an odd number, not less than three and not more than nine members. As a minimum, this will include each Senior Team Captain and the Chairman. In the event of non-availability of any captain, the respective vice-captain shall attend.
5d To elect a Designated Premises Supervisor The Designated Premises Supervisor must be aged 18 years or over and must have completed the appropriate training courses as required by the Club’s Premises Licence.
5e To elect a Grounds Committee of no more than 4 people who will be responsible for the organisation and preparation of the field for all matches organised by the Club.
5f To carry out any further business appertaining to the interests of the Club.
Forward notice of the AGM must be given to members at least four weeks before the intended meeting date, by means of a notice displayed in the clubhouse and on the club website.
A list will be displayed on the club notice board inviting nominations for Club officials, together with proposers and seconders for the aforementioned positions. Nominations can be provided by e-mail to the Secretary or Chairman in advance of the
6. Special General Meeting (“SGM”)
An SGM may be called by the Chairman or Secretary.
A request for an SGM may be made to the Chairman or Secretary, in writing, by three Management Committee members or nine Club members, naming the object of the meeting.
The meeting must be held within four weeks of the request being made. Notice of the SGM must be given to members at least two weeks before the intended meeting date, by means of a notice displayed in the clubhouse and on the club website.
7. Management Committee Meeting
The Management Committee will usually meet on the second Thursday of each month, and will meet on no less than 6 occasions during a year. Minutes will be taken and kept as a true record of these meetings and kept on file for reference purposes by the Secretary (or a designated minute taker in the Secretary’s absence).
8. Finances
All funds will be kept in bank accounts in the name of the Club. The Treasurer, Chair and Secretary of the club will be signatories on the account , all cheques will require two signatures and any payments will require two authorisers.
Detailed income and expenditure accounts will be prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the Management Committee on at least a quarterly basis and at the AGM.
The Club may raise funds through subscriptions, match fees and any other fund-raising activities deemed appropriate by the Management Committee. The Club may also raise funds by obtaining grants from other bodies.
9. Subscriptions
The rate of subscriptions is to be decided at the AGM, after receiving the recommendations from the Management Committee. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
The membership classifications are as follows:-
• Full senior playing member
• Junior (eligible for under-18 cricket selection) playing member.
• Vice presidents
• Non-playing members (gives voting rights at AGM and any SGM)
All subscriptions will be due on the 1st May each year and if unpaid by the 31st May, the Secretary or Treasurer will advise members in default. Any member who has not paid their subscription by the first Monday after that date may not be considered for selection until the subscription is paid, subject to the discretion of the Management Committee. Members must have paid their subscriptions to be eligible to claim under the Club’s insurance policy.
10. Temporary filling of Offices
When any office becomes vacant, from any cause whatsoever, the Management Committee will have the power to temporarily fill such office until the earliest opportunity arises to carry out the normal election procedures.
11. Intoxicating Liquor and Age Restricted Products
Intoxicating liquor will be supplied in line with the conditions set out within the Premises Licence.
No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase or consume intoxicating liquor on Club premises.
12. Permitted Hours
At all times the Club will comply with the requirements of the Premises Licence as issued by Durham County Licensing Authorities.
13. Child Protection and Welfare
All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure children are adequately protected whilst participating in activities related to their membership of the club through:-
• The appointment of a suitably trained Club Welfare Officer (also known as the Club Safeguarding Officer) to ensure compliance with the safeguarding legislation and the ECB Safe Hands policy. The Club Welfare Officer shall be a part of the Management Committee and report to all Management Committee Meetings. The reports and any actions taken must be minuted.
• Adopting and implementing a child protection policy
• The club shall adopt and implement the ECB Safe Hands – Cricket’s policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of the policy.
• Ensuring coaches and other relevant personnel whose roles include responsibilities relating to working with children are ECB vetted (including an enhanced DBS check)
• Any concerns of child protection should be flagged to the Management Committee immediately and prompt appropriate action shall be taken.
14. Alteration to club rules
No rule may be altered unless at an AGM or SGM. Any proposal to alter the club rules and constitution must be submitted to the Secretary not less than 28 days before the AGM or SGM at which it is to be discussed. Such a proposal must be made in writing and supported by at least two members of the club.
15. Dissolution of the Club
The Management Committee, or if a committee no longer exists, a majority of the remaining members of the Club can propose that the Club be dissolved. They must give at least 14 days’ notice to all members of the Club of the date and venue of the meeting at which the matter will be discussed. Remaining members will be informed, wherever reasonably possible, by means of an e-mailto their last known address. For the sole purpose of dissolution, a quorum need not apply and the club may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of those present.
The assets remaining when the club has satisfied its liabilities will be applied to benefit the community as the meeting shall decide, according to the aims of the club.
Signed and agreed.
Date - 9/11/23 Signature Date - 9/11/23
Ian Cox Sarah Llewellyn-Dixon
Chair Secretary
2023 PLD3 CDCC Club Constitution – Updated November 2023